HB Framework Showcases

Sharing with us about your sites built with HB, once the request is approved, your sites will be shown on our homepage and this page.

How to Add My Sites?

Create a data file with following format to describe your site under the /data/sites/ folder, then create a PR and waiting for reviewing and merging.

1domain = "example.org"
2title = "Site title"
3date = "2023-xx-xx"
4# logo = ""
5# logo_width = 100
6# logo_height = 100
domainstringSite domain, required.
titlestringSite title, required, please take as short as possible, otherwise it’ll be truncated.
datedateThe date you’re requesting to add the site, such as 2023-09-01, required.
logostringSite logo, optional.
logo_widthnumberLogo intrinsic width, required when logo is set.
logo_heightnumberLogo intrinsic height, required when logo is set.

Sites Using HB Framework

8 sites in total.

HB Framework Hugo Modules Razon Yang Squey Start Page EvaNOTE Learn-Software.com insights.ditatompel.com